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Your Choices Create Your Circumstances 

Your Karmic Fate, Positive & Negative

There’s a Place for Animal Abusers Who are also Atheists… And It’s Hell

Despite what you might think about life after death, there are no guarantees that Heaven awaits everyone. There is also no certainty that life on Earth will be blissful unless you have earned the Karmic blessings that create joy, which can only be attained through God’s merciful grace and desire to give.

I have been asked to deliver yet another challenging message, and it’s a double-fold one.

I was recently awakened from a sound sleep to receive this message from God—for you. Your Creator wishes to warn and enlighten you so that you can make choices that will protect you from a painful existence both in your Afterlife and here.After God awoke me, He showed me a vision—a movie of Hell. He then said:

“Those who abuse animals and who are atheists are destined to go to Hell when their time on Earth is over. Their actions of committing violence and harm against My animals, combined with offending Me through pure disrespect and ungratefulness by choosing to ignore My presence in their lives and the gifts and blessings that I did grace them with, have left Me no choice but to help them continue to learn from their mistakes in the toughest penitentiary there is… Hell. It is a place reserved for those who have brought Me to true wrath, and where many will finally hear Me…. Tell them.”

‘Hell on Earth’ is What is in Store for Those Who Make This Choice

And then… His message continued. Right after God finished, He directed My eyes back ‘down’ to see ‘hellish’ experiences of pain and misery happening on Earth and said:

“And for those who still persist in putting Trump back in power, a man who has shown he has a diabolical side that he will use to better himself while making others pay a price, there will be a costly penalty for choosing this lack of wisdom and putting My children and nation in harm’s way again by a repeat offender. Tell them that those who choose to put a man who desires and uses violence in a position of power over your nation, My Nation, will be sent ‘Hell on Earth’ to hear and feel My disappointment as I discipline them in order to help them evolve into wiser and more compassionate beings.”

When God gave me these two messages back-to-back, you should know that He spoke in a serious and stern tone. I felt His passion and intensity, much like how a strict father or school principal sounds when sending a strong warning.

We hope that you ‘hear’ God’s messages and choose to use your free will in ways that will ‘please’ and not offend God—so that you receive His protection and grace, as opposed to His reprimand.

God’s ultimate desire for His children on earth, and all of His other dimensions, is to always live in a state of harmony and peace. When His children fail to remember this and that this is His ‘Will’ that they agreed to honor before they incarnated, it puts into motion a series of negative Karmic consequences that He must issue to the person offending Him, until He finally chooses to forgive them. God has enlightened me more times than I can count that He never wants to send people their painful Karmic punishments when they create them, but that He has to, given the contract that we each signed before we incarnated here, which clearly states that we get to receive His gifts and privileges, as long as we obey His Will, or face the alternative and ‘be schooled’ by Him when we fail.

God has given you His wishes on who to vote for, so that you have a safe and better future. He has given it to you very clearly. How you use your free will is very important now because your Creator has expressed His wishes and let you know that He has sent you a Gift to help keep you safe and happy. Please choose wisely. Please obey God and honor His wish and request. As always, your Karma will be determined based on what you choose. By obeying God and His wisdom in knowing what is truly for your greater good, you will create positive Karma for yourself and receive His blessings, rather than His consequences.


Oracle Maureen

Saint Mary of Bethany

Chief Principal for Jesus, Kuan Yin, Mary, Buddha & God

Master Channeler & Spiritual Teacher


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