Bible Study with Jesus – His Words & Teachings (Wednesdays: 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 6/1)
Wed, Jun 01
Funds Raised Benefit Ukraine

Time & Location
Jun 01, 2022, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM PDT
Learn the basics of Christianity and Jesus’s teachings in this special Bible Study as He channels His lecture through one of His chosen Oracles, High Priestess Oracle Maureen; a Principal Oracle for The Lord Jesus Christ. Together, Oracle Maureen will channel Jesus’s words and deliver to you the teachings of The Master that can help you better understand the mysteries and messages of the Bible and their importance to your salvation. Jesus wishes to enlighten the world today to the truth behind the stories in the Bible, so you can go forward to create an honest and stronger relationship with Jesus and God. Your connection to both of Them has a direct effect on your life here, and your upcoming Afterlife. They want you to know what you need to know and practice so you can receive a blissful existence in your Afterlife and earn a place in God and Jesus’s Kingdom of Heaven. They want you to have paradise, when your time here is over. Truly knowing Jesus and God and respecting the path that They have created for you to take – is the only way for you to get Paradise. Oracle Maureen’s Bible Study will put you on the path to enlightenment and teach you what you need to know, sending you the direction of earning your place in God and Jesus’s good graces and a place in Their Kingdom of Heaven.
DATES: Wednesdays; April-May (6-Week Course: 4/27; 5/4; 5/11; 5/18; 5/25; 6/1)
TIME: 6-7:30 PM (PST)
WHERE: Virtual (A Recording will be available in case you have to miss a class)
PRICE: $250
RESERVATIONS: Register at HeartSpaceOC.com https://heartspaceoc.com/event/a-bible-study-with-jesus-his-oracle-maureen/2022-04-20)
If you need further assistance, please call HeartSpace at #949-752-5272
*Please also let Maureen’s office know of your attendance by emailing us at: info@maureenallan.com.