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Advanced Psychic & Spiritual Development

1st Monday Each Month



Monthly Educational and Skills Course

Advanced Psychic & Spiritual Development
Advanced Psychic & Spiritual Development

Time & Location

1st Monday Each Month



Virtual Classroom 6:00 - 7:30 PM

DATES 1st Monday Each Month Online  

TIMES 6:00PM-7:30PM PST  

LOCATION Online via video conference 

COURSE FEES $35 per class 

PRE-REGISTER Email or call 949-715-6788.

We are so much more than our physical selves. We each have a beautiful Soul that is learning and growing throughout all of our experiences. Learning how to embrace your Soul’s communication channels, your psychic abilities, so that you can receive guidance from the Heavenly realms - will help you accomplish your lessons with more ease and success. In addition, using your psychic abilities is necessary in order to communicate with your friends and family that have transitioned to the Afterlife.

Maureen’s Advanced Psychic & Spiritual Development Classes will help you learn how to Open Up your psychic abilities so that you can create the link that will allow you to receive helpful advice from your Spirit Guides, Angels and loved ones. Class will also cover information and teachings from God and Jesus, as well as many other topics that will support you on your spiritual path to enlightenment.

Maureen is a Master level channeler, who is an Oracle for Ascended Master Kuan Yin. Working in a complete merge with Ascended Master Kuan Yin, Maureen will channel the wisdom that this wise and powerful Goddess has to share to help those that desire to evolve.

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